2019 Technologies Expected to Impact Higher Education

Originally published on DwaunWarmack.org

Recently, technology has become an integral part of the learning and teaching process for both students and professionals. The following technologies specifically are projected to have the highest impact on higher-level education in the coming year.

  1. Next Generation Security and Risk Management

With the surge in internet use, higher education institutions are more than likely going to have to strengthen and rework the way they keep their systems secured. Managing these risks is going to require the necessary technology to adapt.

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Conversational Interfaces

The rise in the use of AI conversational interfaces is due to the way that the systems can interpret written and spoken language to interact with students and professionals. It is said to boost user satisfaction and overall efficiency.

  1. “Smart” Campus

A “smart campus” is a space (either physical or digital) where students, professionals, and technology interact freely; yet another educational advancement expected to continue growing and evolving.

  1. Predictive Analytics

This technology is assisting in predicting whether students will pass or drop out and also being used to give students an idea of the demand for specific courses.

  1. Nudge Tech

Nudge technology is essentially used to try and influence students to develop effective study and lifestyle habits for the benefit of their futures.

  1. Digital Credentialing Tech

This technology is typically used for securing data, protecting user information, and preventing fraud. It is projected to be of great use in the admissions and hiring processes in the upcoming year.

  1. Hybrid Integration Platforms

Using hybrid integration platforms allows customer management and service management systems to be integrated more easily for both academic and professional institutions.

  1. Career Software

This technology can be used to match and direct students towards careers that fit their specific interests and talents early on in their educational careers.

  1. Wireless Presentation Technologies

Using wireless presentation technologies, students and professionals can use their laptops or mobile phone devices to project presentation materials onto screens using WiFi and/or cellular data. This will likely be very useful in the classroom and professional settings.

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